The Confessions of an Anti-Semite: The First-Ever Critical Analysis of the Linguistic Legerdemain Underlying the Propaganda Techniques of the New World

Michael Collins Piper

Language: English

Publisher: American Free Press


In The Confessions of an Anti-Semite, my colleague, Michael Collins Piper, has written a book straight from his heart. In doing so, he has expressed opinions of millions not so courageous as he. I welcome this pivotal work in which Mike courageously explores the major existential problem of our time, the negative influence that a highly-organized minority-an historically alien influence-has on America's and, in fact, the entire Western world's policies and indeed the destiny of our people. Warmly endorsing this book, I commend it to the attention of my fellow Americans and to all peoples who share a stake in the survival of humankind.

- Willis A. Carto