
Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels

Language: English


This is one of the most curious books in history. Over the years many have read characterizations of its contents and of the author of the book, for example in Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke’s book The Occult Roots of Nazism. Many might think that this is some sort of anti-Semitic tract, as the author, the ex-Cistercian monk, Lanz von Liebenfels has been characterized as 'the man who gave Hitler his ideas'. However, Theozoology is not an anti-Semitic work. It is a work of biblical exegesis, and could also be classified as a work encompassing what has now come to be called 'cryptozoology'. Now for the first time made available in an affordable edition with the technical orthography of the original intact. Many have read about Theozoology, but few have been able to read the text itself. It is our belief that those who read it will come to a new understanding of the work of Lanz von Liebenfels. For anyone interested in the 'occult roots of Nazism' or the general history of Ariosophy in early Twentieth century central Europe, Theozoology is one of the seminal texts which must be read and understood in order to comprehend fully the nature and scope of that ideology that has generally come to be called 'Ariosophy'.