Leaderless Resistance

Louis Beam

Language: English


Preface: A quick and well known article with points to expand on that we learned in Open Letter to the White Man.

Beam may have spoke too soon when he said Communism was no longer a threat, but he speaks absolute Truth when he says the Federal Government is the current enemy. The article is a warning to the reader to avoid the traditional pyramid style organization, and in it's place it provides a solution. Cells who operate individually and do not know of one another's existance. 

Notable Quotes: "It is the duty of every patriot to make the tyrant's life miserable. When one fails to do so he not only fails himself, but his people."
"Most organizations, however, that possess the potential for effective resistance will not be allowed to continue. Anyone who is so naive as to believe the most powerful government on earth will not crush any who pose a real threat to that power, should not be active, but rather, at home studying political history." - Make note of this. There is no political solution and this much was known decades before any of us were involved and perhaps even born."

"In the pyramid type of organization, an infiltrator can destroy anything which is beneath his level of infiltration and often those above him as well. If the traitor has infiltrated at the top, then the entire organization from the top down is compromised and may be traduced at will."

"Therefore, those movement leaders constantly calling for unity of organization rather than the desirable unity of purpose, usually fall into one of three categories." - Why openly align ourselves all within the same group for the fed to pick apart at once? A series of small organizations with the same struggle will truly make it as hard as possible for the tyrant.